Saturday, December 15, 2012

Life and death

I had the joy yesterday of being with a young couple right after their second daughter was born.  Then, a few hours later, sitting with a grieving daughter at the passing of her 85 year old mom.

I feel like I should have some great "circle of life" comments, but I don't. 
New life is so wonderful and miraculous, and death is so . . . quiet.

The silence of sitting in a room with someone grieving is so heavy, and dark.  You feel the need to say something, but remember from your own grief that the best solace is often silent companionship. 

so, here are my wise words about life and death . . .  There is plenty of both, and you're not able to really experience one without the other.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

the deeds of my father

This morning before 7am I was on the church roof with my brother Bob and our friend Barry changing swamp cooler pads.  Not exactly the top leisure and recreation activity on most people's 4th of July list!  I would have preferred to sleep in to be honest.  Once we were done, however, I had an extreme sense of gratification.  Not simply because I served the Lord in a tangible, material way.  Not because many people will benefit from a cooler, more comfortable auditorium this Sunday (you're welcome, by the way). 

I felt very gratified because it brought back many memories of watching my father perform many tasks around the church when I was growing up.  My dad loved the church and gave his time, money and talent to ensure that God's house was not neglected. 

My dad died 5 years ago yesterday.  It brings joy to my heart and tears to my eyes to remember the legacy of sacrificial service he left to his two sons.  I changed the swamp cooler pads this morning not because I'm the Pastor . . . not because it needed done and somebody had to do it . . . but simply because that's what my dad did.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What's your balance?

I love gift cards - who doesn't???  One of the things that bothers me, however, is having a gift card but not knowing what it's balance is.  Is there $4, or $40?  Every once in awhile I'll find one in my wallet, and not have any clue as to what's on it.  In a way, it's exciting, but in another way, frustrating becuase I don't know what I can get with it. 

This past Sunday, one of my points was that living life on a mission will cost you your life - and that sounds incredible until we realize that we are all SPENDING our lives on something.  Just being alive is costing you your life.  Today, we will spend 24 hours of our life.  It's gone.  Spent. 

When Amy left the gym this morning, she called me very upset.  A young lady just 24 years old who was a regular in the same class passed away last night in a car accident.  The "balance" of her life expired. 

Now, I am not morbid by nature, but I have no idea what the "balance" of my life is, and neither do you.  We'd all like to think that it's unlimited, but we know that's not the case.  All we know is that we have the current minute, maybe even second, to spend our lives on something that matters, something eternal. 

What are you spending yours on?

Who are you "investing" in for eternity?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

A little bit of everything . . .

One of the interesting things of being a pastor, is that at any given moment you will be close to-
. . A couple in the middle of a nasty divorce
. . . A couple getting ready to be married
. . . A family with a loved one on their deathbed
. . . A family celebrating the birth of a child
. . . The family celebrating a promotion
. . . The family just laid off
. . . And on and on.
Makes me think of the verse in Ecclesiastes "to everything there is a season". 
I guess God has just reminded me today that regardless of the season in my personal life, He calls me to be open and available to those around me.   It could be to mourn with those who mourn our rejoice with those who rejoice. 
What about you?

Friday, January 13, 2012

Dogs and Cats

So I'm supposed to be having "focused" sermon prep time right now, but I find myself somewhat distracted.  (who's surprised?)

Our family cat (Misty) is not a fan of the family dog (Hunter).  Hunter is a Yellow Lab, and still a puppy.  Hunter approaches Misty like he approaches all things -aka "play toys."  Normally, when Hunter is in the house, Misty retreats to the safety of my daughter's room. 

Not tonight.  Appearantly Misty feels safest nestled against the wall on a bench under the kitchen table.  The table I happen to be "working" on.  Her defenses against the curious and playful advances of the dog consist of jab like punches with her clawless paws.  Of course, this is (mis)interpreted by Hunter as indicitive of "I want to play with you!"

In light of the unsuccessful physical defense, Misty turns to a verbal one.  If I could record her sounds I'm pretty sure it would make a great soundtrack for a haunted house.  A really low "mmmrrrrrrrraaaaaaarrr" that is kinda creepy to come out of such a small (and hopefully non-demon possessed) animal.

OK, so to the point . . .

Some things that are just natural, mortal enemies.  Like our sin and God's holiness.  Galatians 5:17 says, "The sinful nature wants to do evil, which is just the opposite of what the Spirit wants. And the Spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature desires. These two forces are constantly fighting each other, so you are not free to carry out your good intentions."

Flesh and Spirit, Dogs & Cats.  The best way to control our household pet situation is to keep them separated.  Each has it's own territory.  Sometimes we try to control our flesh/spirit problem the same way.  Church and family is the Spirit's territory, work, Friday and Saturday night belong to the flesh. 

I don't think that's how God intends it to be.  He doesn't want us to strike a deal, negotiate a peace treaty, or try to get them to get along.  Romans 8:12-13 says, "Therefore, dear brothers and sisters,  you have no obligation to do what your sinful nature urges you to do. 13 For if you live by its dictates, you will die. But if through the power of the Spirit you put to death the deeds of your sinful nature, you will live." 

Will Hunter and Misty ever be friends?  I doubt it, and neither will my sin nature (flesh) and the Spirit.  I need to quit making room for the flesh and giving it any place in my life.  What about you?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hide and Seek? or Seek and Find?

The thing in my family to do in the car is to make up weird games to play.  Actually, this really only applies to my daughters as my older son is now in the phase of life where he simply wants to turn up the radio, or even better zone out on his ipod. 

So, the other day my 6 year old Emma says to me, "Daddy, let's play a game.  I say a number and you have to say if it's a boy or a girl."  Now, I know in some languagues pretty much every word is either masculine or feminine, but I've never heard of numbers having gender!  But what the heck, I'm game. 

"1"  I say "boy".  "No, it's a girl." she says.  "2"  I say "Boy?"  "No, it's a girl."  "3"  I say "Girl???"  "No Dad, it's a boy!" she says, sounding rather annoyed at my ineptness.

Basically, I didn't get one right until I think number 11.  I have a sneaky suspicion there was no formula involved, simply a matter of how much she wanted Daddy to suffer.  Fun game.

If the game is not understood, it's pretty hard to enjoy the game. 

Isaiah 45:19 says,
I publicly proclaim bold promises. I do not whisper obscurities in some dark corner. I would not have told the people of Israel to seek me if I could not be found. I, the LORD, speak only what is true and declare only what is right.

Sometimes we think our relationship with God is a game like Emma's, where we really don't know the rules or how to play.  We go along, trying as hard as we can to figure God out, only to be frustrated.  There's been times I've felt that way. 

Isaiah 45 gives us some assurance - there is a point, it is possible, keep seeking!

James 4:8 Says . . . Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. 

There was no magical formula to figure out Emma's game, and there's no magic formula to get close to God, just keep moving His direction, and believe me, He'll meet you way more than half way!