This morning before 7am I was on the church roof with my brother Bob and our friend Barry changing swamp cooler pads. Not exactly the top leisure and recreation activity on most people's 4th of July list! I would have preferred to sleep in to be honest. Once we were done, however, I had an extreme sense of gratification. Not simply because I served the Lord in a tangible, material way. Not because many people will benefit from a cooler, more comfortable auditorium this Sunday (you're welcome, by the way).
I felt very gratified because it brought back many memories of watching my father perform many tasks around the church when I was growing up. My dad loved the church and gave his time, money and talent to ensure that God's house was not neglected.
My dad died 5 years ago yesterday. It brings joy to my heart and tears to my eyes to remember the legacy of sacrificial service he left to his two sons. I changed the swamp cooler pads this morning not because I'm the Pastor . . . not because it needed done and somebody had to do it . . . but simply because that's what my dad did.