Friday, May 10, 2013

The Monster is Us!

The recent atrocities that have come to light against the women in Cleveland have taken my breath away.  I keep saying things like, "How could this happen in America?" and "What kind of monster does this?"  I've watched the news reports and countless mental health experts talk about what kind of mental sickness this man has, and how he could have / should have been treated.  I have been quick to join with them in their diagnosis of Ariel Castro as nothing short of a "Monster." 

During a time of reflection this morning, a stark reality hit me.  This "sickness" that Ariel Castro has is something . . . we all have!  It's called sin.  It's dark, ugly, and evil.  His brutal acts are simply taking sin to extreme ends.  These horrible acts exemplify to the ultimate degree what it means to treat others as objects for our own gratification.  Here's the part that's hard to stomach - we all do it.  Certainly not in the way that Ariel Castro did, but who among us hasn't "sold" someone on something to benefit ourselves?  Who hasn't put another down in order to lift ourselves up?  Who hasn't mocked someone less fortunate to highlight our success?  Who hasn't made fun of another to make ourselves feel better than them?  Who hasn't looked with lust at another, who ultimately is someone else's spouse, and even child?  Who hasn't used guilt or emotions or even sexuality to manipulate others to do what we want?  Who hasn't tried whatever means possible to control others to get our desired outcome?  Who hasn't failed in what Jesus said summed up all commands towards other people - to love our neighbors as ourselves?

We find comfort in looking at a man like Ariel Castro and thinking - "This Monster is nothing like me!"  His actions should disgust and terrify us.  But most terrifying of all is the grim reality that he has simply followed his sinful desires to their ultimate depraved fulfillment.  It chills me and humbles me deeply to wrestle with the reality that he & I are not entirely different creatures.  His sickness is my sickness.  The only difference is I have both the ultimate & temporary cure for this sickness in Jesus Christ.   
This cure is ultimate in that all my sins are forever forgiven through Jesus' death for me on the cross.  He (perfect) died for me (sinner).  Some say they are seeking the death penalty for Castro.  Romans 6:23 says that "the wages for (all) sin is death."  When in faith I cry out to Him, God exchanges my sinfulness for His perfection.  This forgiveness is available to all, even Ariel Castro.  (pray for me because in my flesh I certainly want him to rot in hell for eternity - an ever present reminder that even now I fail to love him as Christ commands!  I am slow to admit that I deserve the same fate!) 
This cure is also temporary in the sense that the only power I have to live in victory over sin here and now is also through my relationship with Jesus.   Unchecked and unrestrained, our sin nature takes us down the same path that ends with the destruction of our lives and the lives of those around us.  The details of our stories probably won't include kidnapping, murder, rape . . . etc.  Ours may include lies, divorce, infidelity, greed, shame, regret, bitterness, broken relationships, broken families, verbal & emotional abuse, addictions, etc.

Consider . . . 

Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away.  These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death.   James 1:14-15

I love God’s law with all my heart. But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me. Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord. . . .  Romans 7:22-25a