Thursday, August 18, 2011

New Life

So, yesterday was an amazing day concerning life that is new in at least two ways:
1. I got to meet my brand new nephew Quentin.  He's quite a little man.  Gonna be tall, dark, and handsome like his dad. 
2. I got to see a man named Andrew experience what 2 Cor. 5:17 talks about - he became a "new creation" in Christ! 

The details of this man, where he was, and how it all came about - they are quite interesting, but details for another blog another day.  What is incredible is this - just as little Quentin is a new life, so is a new brother in Christ I got to meet Wednesday.  I pray for him, and for all my brothers and sisters in fellowship - will he find a way into ours?  Will he find hope, peace, purpose and meaning beyond the initial euphoria of new life in Christ?  New parents often have a real sense of fear for their new children - "Will they be healthy?  Normal?  Successful?  Happy?"  I have some of the same worries for my new friend. 

Although I hope he won't be normal, I hope he'll be extraordinary, like Christ.

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