Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Apropriate  place to sit quietly for a few moments before our grief group starts tonight. 

Hard to explain my feelings about grief.  It's kinda like certain types of food I guess, like cabbage.  I hate to eat it and it tastes bad, but I guess it's good for me. 

that's how I experience grief.  I'm the kind of person who wants to move forward not really think about the past But just think about today and tomorrow. 

I don't like to take the time to think about how much I miss my dad or my father in law.  But, it's good to do.  To let the tears fall and the heart feel the pain, it's all a part of life.

The temptation is to treat grief the same way as cabbage-spit it out, run from it, keep busy so it doesn't ever rise to the top of the pile. 

Chew chew swallow.  Thats what I'll do.  One bite at a time.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

"my way"

Thats got to be the saddest song played at funerals.  One line at the end of the song says"not as one who kneels". 
My Bible says that one day every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord.  For Him to be "Lord" means it's His way, not ours.
The proud arrogance of that song makes me very, very sad.

I hope at my funeral no one will accuse me of doing it my way.