Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What's your balance?

I love gift cards - who doesn't???  One of the things that bothers me, however, is having a gift card but not knowing what it's balance is.  Is there $4, or $40?  Every once in awhile I'll find one in my wallet, and not have any clue as to what's on it.  In a way, it's exciting, but in another way, frustrating becuase I don't know what I can get with it. 

This past Sunday, one of my points was that living life on a mission will cost you your life - and that sounds incredible until we realize that we are all SPENDING our lives on something.  Just being alive is costing you your life.  Today, we will spend 24 hours of our life.  It's gone.  Spent. 

When Amy left the gym this morning, she called me very upset.  A young lady just 24 years old who was a regular in the same class passed away last night in a car accident.  The "balance" of her life expired. 

Now, I am not morbid by nature, but I have no idea what the "balance" of my life is, and neither do you.  We'd all like to think that it's unlimited, but we know that's not the case.  All we know is that we have the current minute, maybe even second, to spend our lives on something that matters, something eternal. 

What are you spending yours on?

Who are you "investing" in for eternity?


  1. I keep calling the number to check my time balance.......It says to whom much has been given, much is required.
